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- ~ implies the number of timesteps LDDMM is ran over. For example File~.vtk at 5 timesteps means the output will be File1.vtk, File2.vtk, File3.vtk, File4.vtk, and File5.vtk.
- Data files in the Z direction will only appear when the input data is in 3 dimensions.
1. | MoviedefAtlas~.vtk | These files contain the vtk data of the deformed atlas or the atlas image composed with the inverse diffeomorphism over each timestep. |
2. | MoviedefPatient~.vtk | These files contain the vtk data of the deformed patient or the patient image composed with the diffeomorphism over each timestep |
3. | MovieHxmap~.vtk MovieHymap~.vtk MovieHzmap~.vtk | VTK data of the inverse diffeomorphism over each timestep in each direction. |
4. | MovieKixmap~.vtk MovieKiymap~.vtk MovieKizmap~.vtk | VTK data of the diffeomorphism over each timestep in each direction. |
5. | MovieVelocityX~.vtk MovieVelocityY~.vtk MovieVelocityZ~.vtk | Velocity at each timestep in each direction |
The following are some of visualizations of the output generated by LDDMM on the monkey brain data.
Last Modified: Thursday, 30th May, 2013 @ 09:30am