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Here are answers to some common questions you might have. If you have question other than those listed here, please go to the feedback section to let us know. We will keep this page updated based on the questions users will have.
What input formats does lddmm-surface work with?
The Surface Matching programs use the
ivcon library
for image data file format conversion, so any data format supported by ivcon
can be used. The applications also use
GTS (the Gnu Triangulated
Surface library), so the gts format for a triangulated surface is best.
GTS data can be converted to other formats and viewed with other
visualization tools. The program gts2stl (included in the standard
installation of the GTS library) can convert a gts image to "Stereo
Lithography" format, which can be viewed using the open source application
It is necessary to get an account on the CIS file system to use lddmm-surface
at this time. To get an account, please contact Anthony Kolasny (see the
feedback section).
The lddmm-surface programs reside in the /cis/project/software/lddmm-surface
directory. There are subdirectories for each architecture for which
lddmm-surface is currently available. These include
cygwin, i686, ia64, and x86_64
(for a Unix OS, type "arch" to determine your machine's architecture).
Read the manual for a description of
the input parameters.
Last Modified: Monday, 25th April, 2011 @ 11:20am