PhD Thesis
Isotropic Multiresolution Analysis and Rotational Invariance in Image Analysis. - University of Houston, August 2009. (pdf available here)
Journal Publications
Towards Real-time Simulation of Cardiac Hemodynamics for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Diseases. - joint with Young Joon Choi, Rajat Mittal, Laurent Younes et. al. In preparation (to be submitted in 2015).
Shape Analysis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathies Using MRI based 3D Surface Models of Left Ventricular Geometry. - joint with Siamak Ardekani, Michael Miller, Laurent Younes et. al. Accepted (pending revision) in Medical Image Analysis, 2015.
Novel Parameters of Global and Regional Mitral Annulus Geometry. - joint with S. Ben Zekry, R. Azencott, S. Alexander et. al. Accepted in European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, to appear 2015.
Comparative Evaluation of Mitral Valve Strain by Deformation Tracking in 3D-Echocardiogarphy. - S. Ben-Zekry, G. Lawrie, S. Little, W. Zoghbi, J. Freeman, A. Jajoo, S. Jain, J. He, A. Martynenko, and R. Azencott. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, Springer, Volume 3, Issue 4, 2012, Pages 402-412.
Rigid Motion Invariant Classification of 3D-Textures. - S. Jain, S. Upadhyay, M. Papadakis, and R. Azencott. IEEE - Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 21, Issue 5, 2012, Pages 2449-2463. (Paper in pdf format available here).
The Geometry and the Analytic Properties of Isotropic Multiresolution Analysis - Juan R. Romero, Simon K. Alexander, Shikha Baid, Saurabh Jain, and Manos Papadakis. Special issue on "Mathematical Methods for Image Processing", Advances in Computational Mathematics, Volume 31, Springer, 2009, Pages 283-328. (Paper in pdf format available here).
Texture-Based Tissue Characterization for High-resolution CT Scans of Coronary Arteries - Manos Papadakis, Bernhard G. Bodmann, Simon K. Alexander, Deborah Vela, Shikha Baid, Alex A. Gittens, Donald J. Kouri, S. David Gertz, Saurabh Jain, Juan R. Romero, Xiao Li, Paul Cherukuri, Dianna D. Cody, Gregory W. Gladish, Ibrahim Aboshady, Jodie L. Conyers, and S. Ward Casscells. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, Volume 25, Wiley, 2009, Pages 597-613. (Paper in pdf format available here).
Explicit schemes in seismic migration and isotropic multi-scale representations -S. Jain, M. Papadakis and E. Dussaud. Radon Transforms, Geometry and Wavelets, Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 464, AMS, 2008, Pages 177-200. (Paper in pdf format available here).
Conference Publications
Investigating the regional correlation of subcortical structures as imaged by DAT-SPECT with clinical phenotypes in Parkinson's disease - Yousef Salimpour, Saurabh Jain, Gwenn Smith, Zoltan Mari, Vesna Sossi, Arman Rahmim. Accepted IEEE-SNMMI meeting, 2015.
Application of Pattern Recognition Framework for Quantification of Parkinson’s Disease in DAT SPECT Imaging. - Saurabh Jain, Laurent Younes, Gwenn Smith, Zoltan Mari, Vesna Sossi, Arman Rahmim. Accepted IEEE-MIC, 2014.
OpenCL acceleration of Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping - Daniel Tward, Saurabh Jain, Tilak Ratnanather, Laurent Younes, and Michael Miller. Accepted MICCAI HPC Workshop, 2014.
Estimating Dense Cardiac 3D Motion Using Sparse 2D Tagged MRI Cross-sections. - Siamak Ardekani, Geoffrey Gunter, Saurabh Jain, Robert G. Weiss, Michael Miller, Laurent Younes. In proceedings of IEEE-EMBC, pages 5101-5104, 2014.
Computational Anatomy Gateway: Leveraging XSEDE Computational Resources for Shape Analysis. - Saurabh Jain, Daniel Tward, David Lee, Anthony Kolasny, Timothy Brown, Tilak Ratnanather, Laurent Younes and Michael Miller. In the proceedings of XSEDE14, ACM, New York, NY USA, Article 54, 6 pages. 2014. (best presentation award)
Semi-Automatic Discrimination of Normal Tissue and Liver Cancer Lesions in Contrast Enhanced X-Ray CT-Scans. - Sanat Upadhyay, Manos Papadakis, Saurabh Jain, Gregory Gladish, Ioannis Kakadiaris, Robert Azencott. In Proceeding - MICCAI Oct 2012 - Abdominal Imaging. Computational and Clinical Applications. LNCS 7601, Pages 158-167, Springer, 2012. (oral presentation)
3D-rigid motion invariant discrimination and classification of 3D-textures. Sanat Upadhyay, Saurabh Jain, Manos Papadakis, Robert Azencott. Wavelets and Sparsity XIV, Proceedings of SPIE 8138, M. Papadakis, D.V.D. Ville, V. Goyal (Editors) 813821, Sep 2011.
Matching Sparse Sets of Cardiac Image Cross-sections Using Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping Algorithm Siamak Ardekani, Aastha Jain, Saurabh Jain, Theodore P. Abraham, Maria R. Abraham, Stefan Zimmerman, Raimond L. Winslow, Michael I. Miller, and Laurent Younes. Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart, MICCAI, Sep 2011. (poster presentation) In proceedings, LNCS 7085, Pages 234-243, Springer, 2012.
Novel Parameters of Global and Regional Mitral Annulus Geometry: Comparison Among Healthy, Organic Mitral Regurgitation and Following Mitral Valve Repair Surgery. Sagit Ben Zekry, Saurabh Jain, Simon K. Alexander, Yipeng Li, Aanchal Aggarwal, Aarti Jajoo, Stephen H. Little, Gerald M. Lawrie, William A. Zoghbi. American Society of Echocardiography, 21st Annual Scientific Sessions, June 12-15, 2010, San Diego, CA, P3-26 (poster presentation)
Quantitative Dynamic Curvature Changes of the Normal Mitral Valve Leaflets During Systole: Insights from Novel Mitral Valve Modeling. Sagit Ben Zekry, Simon K. Alexander, Saurabh Jain, Yipeng Li, Aanchal Aggarwal, Robert Azencott, Gerald M. Lawrie, Stephen H. Little, William A. Zoghbi. American Society of Echocardiography, 21st Annual Scientific Sessions, June 12-15, 2010, San Diego, CA, P3-53 (poster presentation)
Seminars and Presentations
Optimal Control Problems in Computational Anatomy.
Presented at the Applied and Computational Math Seminar, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, Nov 2013.
Optimal Control Problems in Computational Anatomy.
Presented at Shape Focus Research Group Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 2013.
Using Wavelets, Random Fields, and Diffeomorphisms to Tackle Challenges in Medical Imaging.
Presented at Sony Electronics Research, San Jose, CA, May 2012.
Matching Surface To Sparse Cross Sections using Euclidean Distance.
Presented at Shape Focus Research Group Meeting, ENS Cachan, France, May 2012.
A Few Computational Challenges in 3D Biomedical Imaging.
Presented at Center for Imaging Science Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, Sep 2010.
Rigid Motion Invariant Classification of 3D-Textures.
Presented at 2009 Fall Southeastern Meeting of AMS, Special Session on Inverse Problems and Signal Processing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL.
Isotropic Multiresolution Analysis: Theory and Applications.
Presented at the March 2009 workshop on "Frames from first principles: Error correction, symmetry goals, and numerical efficiency" held at Banff International Research Station, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Multiscale 3-D texture segmentation: Isotropic Representations.
Presented at 2008 Spring Southeastern Meeting of AMS, Special Session on Wavelets, Frames, and Multi-Scale Constructions, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.