| faq
| input formats
| validation
| credits
| changelog
| feedback
Here are answers to some common questions you might have. If you have a
question other than what's listed here, please go to the
feedback section to let us know. We will keep
this page updated based on the questions users will have.
What input formats does the LDDMM-Landmark work with?
For LDDMM-Landmark, the data can be in standard landmark format,
in the form written as output by the CIS LDDMM-Similitude program,
or in VTK landmark format as written out by CAWorks.
These formats are described here.
What kind of hardware, operating systems does the tool run on?
LDDMM-Landmark currently runs on Linux on the x86_64, i686, and ia64
architectures, and on Windows 32 bit architecture. lddmm-landmark is also
integrated into the Landmarker module of
DTIStudio. DTIStudio is available for
32 and 64 bit Windows platforms.
How can I download the software?
The software is not available to download currently. To use lddmm-landmark
on CIS resources, please contact CIS.
lddmm-landmark is integrated into the Landmarker module of
DTIStudio. Check the website to see
how to register to use DTIStudio and learn how to invoke lddmm-landmark
through DTIStudio.
How is the software being used currently?
LDDMM-Landmark is used to calculate a metric distance between
subject hippocampuses for the
Botteron twin study,
and on the
lddmm-landmark is integrated into the Landmarker module of
DTIStudio, a free Diffusion Tensor
Image program that is used by about 1000 users worldwide.
lddmm-landmark is integrated into CIS's Computational Anatomy Works
which is currently under development.
Are there any future plans to this project?
How do I use this tool on CIS resources?
It is necessary to get an account on the CIS file system to use LDDMM-Landmark
at this time. To get an account, please contact Anthony Kolasny (see the
feedback section).
The LDDMM-Landmarks programs reside in the /cis/project/software/lddmm-landmark
There are subdirectories for each architecture for which LDDMM-DTI is
currently available (for a Unix OS, type "arch" to determine your machine's
architecture). Read the manual for a description of
the input parameters.
How can I contact the author of the tool?
Please refer to the feedback section.
Last Modified: Monday, 25th April, 2011 @ 11:20am