Fibertracking in a macaque hemi-brain


J. Tilak Ratnanather


Center for Imaging Science
The Johns Hopkins University
Clark 301, 3400 N Charles St
Baltimore MD 21218







  1. A web browser should open the following shockwave (swf) movies:
    1. SLFII;
    2. Walker’s Area 46 to CB Ventral via CB Dorsal;
    3. PS Ventral Bank to PS Dorsal Bank;
    4. SLFIII;
    5. AF Frontal to Temporal;
    6. Frontal ROIs (SLFII and AF) to combined SLFII-Parietal and AF-Temporal;
    7. SP Motor Cases 24-29 to putamen;
    8. Fornix_MMB_to_Fimbria;
    9. UF_Frontal_to_Temporal;
    10. FOF_Frontal_to_PO;
  2. Data for evaluation, testing and validation are as follows. Please note images, computed fibers and edited fibers are formatted for use in MRIStudio – see; the fibers have cost per length appended at the end of the standard file. Low resolution data is also available but recommend using DiffeoMap in MRIStudio to resample the data.
    1. Macaque hemi-brain images (size: 240x480x320; resolution: 0.2x0.2x0.2; FOV: 48x96):
      1. B0
      2. FA
      3. Eigenvalue1
      4. Eigenvalue2
      5. Eigenvalue3
      6. Eigenvector1
      7. Eigenvector2
      8. Eigenvector3;
      9. Color Map
    2. SLFII:
      1. Frontal ROI
      2. Parietal ROI
      3. Computed fiber bundle (K=200)
      4. Edited fiber bundle (K=67);
    3. Walker’s Area 46 to CB Ventral via CB Dorsal as waystation
      1. Walker’s Area 46 ROI
      2. CB Ventral ROI
      3. CB Dorsal ROI
      4. Computed Walker’s Area 46 to CB Dorsal fiber bundle (K=200)
      5. Edited Walker’s Area 46 to CB Dorsal fiber bundle (K=49)
      6. Computed CB Dorsal to CB Ventral fiber bundle (K=200)
      7. Edited CB Dorsal to CB Ventral fiber bundle (K=68)
      8. Computed Walker's Area 46 to MedioDorsal fiber bundle (K=200)
    4. Principal Sulcus:
      1. Ventral bank ROI
      2. Dorsal bank ROI
      3. Computed fiber bundle (K=200)
    5. SLFIII:
      1. Frontal ROI
      2. Parietal ROI
      3. Computed fiber bundle (K=200)
    6. AF:
      1. Frontal ROI
      2. Parietal ROI
      3. Computed fiber bundle (K=800)
      4. Edited fiber bundle (K=64);
    7. Kissing and Crossing Bundle:
      1. AF Frontal ROI
      2. SLFII Frontal ROI
      3. Combined AF Temporal and SLFII Parietal ROI
      4. Computed AF Frontal fiber bundle (K=400)
      5. Edited AF frontal fiber bundle (K=82)
      6. Computed SLFII Frontal fiber bundle (K=400)
      7. Edited SLFII Frontal fiber bundle (K=104);
    8. SP Motor Cases to the putamen:
      1. Case24 ROI
      2. Case25 ROI
      3. Case26 ROI
      4. Case27 ROI
      5. Case28 ROI
      6. Case29 ROI
      7. Putamen ROI
      8. Computed Case24 bundle (K=200)
      9. Computed Case25 bundle (K=200)
      10. Computed Case26 bundle (K=200)
      11. Edited Case26 bundle (K=161)
      12. Computed Case27 bundle (K=200)
      13. Edited Case27 bundle (K=159)
      14. Computed Case28 bundle (K=200)
      15. Edited Case28 bundle (K=191)
      16. Computed Case29 bundle (K=200)
      17. Edited Case29 bundle (K=118)
    9. Fornix:
      a. MMB ROI
      b. Fimbria ROI
      c. Waystation 192
      d. Waystation 252
      e. Computed fiber bundles (three – K=200,200,150)
      f. Edited fiber bundles (three – K=8,48,40)
    10. Uncinate Fasciculus:
      a: Frontal ROI
      b: Temporal ROI
      c: Computed fiber bundle (K=200)
      d: Edited fiber bundle (K=131)
    11. FrontoOccipital Fasciculus:
      a. Frontal ROI
      b: PO ROI
      c: Waystation 241
      d: Waystation 255
      e: Waystation 270
      f: Computed fiber bundles (four - K=1000, 400, 200, 400)
      g: Edited fiber bundles (four - K=31,56,95,349)


Supported by:

  • NIH grants (P41-RR15241, R01-AG020012, R01-EB003543, P41-EB015909, R01-EB000975 and P50-MH71616)

For additional information or questions, please contact [email protected]