Contact: | J. Tilak Ratnanather |
Center for Imaging Science
The Johns Hopkins University
Clark 301, 3400 N Charles St
Baltimore MD 21218 |
| |
- A web browser should open the following shockwave (swf) movies:
- Walker’s Area 46 to CB Ventral via CB Dorsal;
- PS Ventral Bank to PS Dorsal Bank;
- AF Frontal to Temporal;
- Frontal ROIs (SLFII and AF) to combined SLFII-Parietal and AF-Temporal;
- SP Motor Cases 24-29 to putamen;
- Fornix_MMB_to_Fimbria;
- UF_Frontal_to_Temporal;
- FOF_Frontal_to_PO;
- Data for evaluation, testing and validation are as follows. Please note images, computed fibers and edited fibers are formatted for use in MRIStudio – see http://www.mristudio.org; the fibers have cost per length appended at the end of the standard file. Low resolution data is also available but recommend using DiffeoMap in MRIStudio to resample the data.
- Macaque hemi-brain images (size: 240x480x320; resolution: 0.2x0.2x0.2; FOV: 48x96):
- B0
- FA
- Eigenvalue1
- Eigenvalue2
- Eigenvalue3
- Eigenvector1
- Eigenvector2
- Eigenvector3;
- Color Map
- Frontal ROI
- Parietal ROI
- Computed fiber bundle (K=200)
- Edited fiber bundle (K=67);
- Walker’s Area 46 to CB Ventral via CB Dorsal as waystation
- Walker’s Area 46 ROI
- CB Ventral ROI
- CB Dorsal ROI
- Computed Walker’s Area 46 to CB Dorsal fiber bundle (K=200)
- Edited Walker’s Area 46 to CB Dorsal fiber bundle (K=49)
- Computed CB Dorsal to CB Ventral fiber bundle (K=200)
- Edited CB Dorsal to CB Ventral fiber bundle (K=68)
- Computed Walker's Area 46 to MedioDorsal fiber bundle (K=200)
- Principal Sulcus:
- Ventral bank ROI
- Dorsal bank ROI
- Computed fiber bundle (K=200)
- Frontal ROI
- Parietal ROI
- Computed fiber bundle (K=200)
- AF:
- Frontal ROI
- Parietal ROI
- Computed fiber bundle (K=800)
- Edited fiber bundle (K=64);
- Kissing and Crossing Bundle:
- AF Frontal ROI
- SLFII Frontal ROI
- Combined AF Temporal and SLFII Parietal ROI
- Computed AF Frontal fiber bundle (K=400)
- Edited AF frontal fiber bundle (K=82)
- Computed SLFII Frontal fiber bundle (K=400)
- Edited SLFII Frontal fiber bundle (K=104);
- SP Motor Cases to the putamen:
- Case24 ROI
- Case25 ROI
- Case26 ROI
- Case27 ROI
- Case28 ROI
- Case29 ROI
- Putamen ROI
- Computed Case24 bundle (K=200)
- Computed Case25 bundle (K=200)
- Computed Case26 bundle (K=200)
- Edited Case26 bundle (K=161)
- Computed Case27 bundle (K=200)
- Edited Case27 bundle (K=159)
- Computed Case28 bundle (K=200)
- Edited Case28 bundle (K=191)
- Computed Case29 bundle (K=200)
- Edited Case29 bundle (K=118)
- Fornix:
b. Fimbria ROI
c. Waystation 192
d. Waystation 252
e. Computed fiber bundles (three – K=200,200,150)
f. Edited fiber bundles (three – K=8,48,40)
- Uncinate Fasciculus:
a: Frontal ROI
b: Temporal ROI
c: Computed fiber bundle (K=200)
d: Edited fiber bundle (K=131)
- FrontoOccipital Fasciculus:
a. Frontal ROI
c: Waystation 241
d: Waystation 255
e: Waystation 270
f: Computed fiber bundles (four - K=1000, 400, 200, 400)
g: Edited fiber bundles (four - K=31,56,95,349)
Supported by:
- NIH grants (P41-RR15241, R01-AG020012, R01-EB003543, P41-EB015909, R01-EB000975 and P50-MH71616)
For additional information or questions, please contact [email protected]