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Medical images reveal the internal structure of human organs and provides information on how their shapes are affected by disease. Computational anatomy studies datasets of such shapes and applies statistical methods in shape spaces to infer new information on the diseases. The following provide some examples of such studies, in the context of brain, heart and lung disease.
Here are some references (more details will appear later on this
Diffeomorphometry of Temporal Lobe Structures in Preclinical
Alzheimer�s Disease, Michael I Miller, Laurent Younes, J Tilak
Ratnanather, Timothy Brown, Huong Trinh, Elizabeth Postell, David S
Lee, Mei-Cheng Wang, Susumu Mori, Richard O�Brien, Marilyn Albert,
NeuroImage: Clinical, 2013
selective atrophy of subcortical structures in prodromal HD as
revealed by statistical shape analysis, Laurent Younes, J
Tilak Ratnanather, Timothy Brown, Elizabeth Aylward, Peg Nopoulos,
Hans Johnson, Vincent A Magnotta, Jane S Paulsen, Russell L
Margolis, Roger L Albin, Michael I Miller, Christopher A Ross, Human
brain mapping, 2012
sparse sets of cardiac image cross-sections using large
deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping algorithm, Siamak
Ardekani, Aastha Jain, Saurabh Jain, Theodore P Abraham, Maria R
Abraham, Stefan Zimmerman, Raimond L Winslow, Michael I Miller,
Laurent Younes, in Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of
the Heart. Imaging and Modelling Challenges, 2012
Abnormality of Low to Moderately Organized White Matter in
Schizophrenia, Sarah AJ Reading, Kenichi Oishi, Graham W
Redgrave, Julie McEntee, Megan Shanahan, Nadine Yoritomo, Laurent
Younes, Susumu Mori, Michael I Miller, Peter van Zijl, Russell L
Margolis, Christopher A Ross, Brain Connectivity 1 (6), 511-519,
user input in template-based segmentation, C Vidal, D Beggs, L
Younes, SK Jain, B Jedynak, Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro,
2011 IEEE International Symposium on, 2011
MRI analysis with disease-specific spatial filtering: initial
testing to predict mild cognitive impairment patients who convert
to Alzheimer�s disease, Kenichi Oishi, Kazi Akhter, Michelle
Mielke, Can Ceritoglu, Jiangyang Zhang, Hangyi Jiang, Xin Li,
Laurent Younes, Michael I Miller, Peter CM van Zijl, Marilyn Albert,
Constantine G Lyketsos, Susumu Mori, Frontiers in neurology 2, 2011
asymmetry patterns in individuals with schizophrenia and their
non-psychotic siblings, A Qiu, L Wang, L Younes, MP Harms, JT
Ratnanather, MI Miller, JG Csernansky, Neuroimage 47 (4), 1221-1229,
motion analysis in ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy using
parallel transport, S Ardekani, RG Weiss, AC Lardo, RT George,
JAC Lima, KC Wu, MI Miller, RL ..., Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to
Macro, 2009. ISBI'09. IEEE International Symposium on, 2009
registration with missing parts: Application to the segmentation
of M. tuberculosis infected lungs, C Vidal, J Hewitt, S
Davis, L Younes, S Jain, B Jedynak, Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to
Macro, 2009. ISBI'09. IEEE International Symposium on, 2009
method for identifying and quantifying shape features of human
left ventricular remodeling, Siamak Ardekani, Robert G Weiss,
Albert C Lardo, Richard T George, Joao AC Lima, Katherine C Wu,
Michael I Miller, Raimond L Winslow, Laurent Younes, Annals of
biomedical engineering 37 (6), 1043-1054, 2009
sequence diffeomorphic metric mapping and parallel transport track
time-dependent shape changes, A Qiu, M Albert, L Younes, MI
Miller, NeuroImage 45 (1), S51-S60, 2009
voxel-based analysis of diffusion tensor images of the brainstem
white matter tracts: application in patients with middle cerebral
artery stroke, Weihong Zhang, Xin Li, Jiangyang Zhang, Andreas
Luft, Daniel F Hanley, Peter van Zijl, Michael I Miller, Laurent
Younes, Susumu Mori, Neuroimage 44 (3), 906-913, 2009
transport in diffeomorphisms distinguishes the time-dependent
pattern of hippocampal surface deformation due to healthy aging
and the dementia of the Alzheimer's type, A Qiu, L Younes, MI
Miller, JG Csernansky, NeuroImage 40 (1), 68-76, 2008
cortical mapping of fractional anisotropy in developing rat brains,
H Huang, A Yamamoto, MA Hossain, L Younes, S Mori, The Journal of
Neuroscience 28 (6), 1427-1433, 2008
anatomical manifold information via diffeomorphic metric mappings
for studying cortical thinning of the cingulate gyrus in
schizophrenia, Anqi Qiu, Laurent Younes, Lei Wang, J Tilak
Ratnanather, Sarah K Gillepsie, Gillian Kaplan, John Csernansky,
Michael I Miller, NeuroImage 37 (3), 821-833, 2007
deformation diffeomorphism and momentum based hippocampal shape
discrimination in dementia of the Alzheimer type, Lei Wang,
Faisal Beg, Tilak Ratnanather, Can Ceritoglu, Laurent Younes, John C
Morris, John G Csernansky, Michael I Miller, Medical Imaging, IEEE
Transactions on 26 (4), 462-470, 2007
realignment of 3D diffusion tensor MRI eigenvectors, MF Beg, R
Dickie, G Golds, L Younes, Medical Imaging, 651242-651242-9, 2007
of structural remodeling in the dyssynchronous failing heart,
Patrick A Helm, Laurent Younes, Mirza F Beg, Daniel B Ennis,
Christophe Leclercq, Owen P Faris, Elliot McVeigh, David Kass,
Michael I Miller, Raimond L Winslow, Circulation Research 98 (1),
125-132, 2006
vivo 3D diffusion tensor imaging and quantification of cardiac
laminar structure, PA Helm, HJ Tseng, L Younes, ER McVeigh, RL
Winslow, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 54 (4), 850-859, 2005