Biographical Sketch


Joseph G. Hennessey

Position Title:

Associate Research Scientist


B.S. 1991

Physics & Computer Science

Penn State University, University Park, PA

M.S. 1995

Computer Science

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Ph.D. 2006

Computer Science

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Professional Experience:

1989 - 1990 Consultant, Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Developed hypermedia educational tools for use by medical students, residents, and interns.

1990 - 1992 Computer Programmer II, Dept. of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Developed hypermedia educational tools for use by medical students, residents, and interns.

1991 - 1993 Consultant, Behavioral Neurogenetics & Neuroimaging Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD

Developed 2D & 3D image processing tools and algorithms as well as database development.

1992 - 1993 Research Associate, Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Developed 2D & 3D image processing tools and algorithms as well as database development.

1993 - 2006 Research Associate, Behavioral Neurogenetics & Neuroimaging Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute Baltimore, MD

Led development team developing image processing program based on NIH Image on Macs.

Supervised and managed work of the two full-time programmers and two part-time ones.

Developed new algorithms, and implement existing ones in C++, Pascal, and Java.

Developed cross-platform image processing and analysis program called Blox for

visualization and analysis of 2D and 3D MRI data written in Java.

Maintained Image processing program on MacOS written in Pascal

2006 - Present Associate Research Scientist, Center for Imaging Science, Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

and Part-Time Research Associate, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Develop new generation of cross-platform imaging software for display and analysis of

surfaces & volumes written in C++ and built on and using open source software

including CMake, VTK, ParaView, Qt, and ITK.

Maintain current Image processing program on MacOS written in Pascal and Blox in Java

Honors and Awards:

1991 Cum Laude Research Award at April 1991 Society of Computed Body Tomography Meeting, Washington, D.C., for an outstanding Scientific Paper on Cross Sectional Imaging.

1992 Certificate of Merit from American roentgen Ray Society at 1992 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, for Radiologic Evaluation of Renal Masses: A Computer-Based Teaching Program, Rabushka LS, Goldman SM, Fishman EK, Hennessey JG, Nixon MS.

1994 Imaging Software & Methods for Mapping Brain Development. Grant # HD31715. Title: The Human Brain Project: Phase I Feasibility Studies. Senior Programmer and Co-Investigator. 100% Time.

1995 Masters of Science awarded With Honors, Johns Hopkins University

Selected Peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order):

  1. Hennesey JG, Fishman EK, Kuhlman JE, Ney DR. Magid D (1990). Comupter-based learning in Radiology: A hypermedia application in CT. American Journal of Radiology 155:1317-1320

  2. Fishman EK, Hennessey JG, Ney DR, Nixon MS, Magid D, Kuhlman JE (1991). Database management in Radiology: A simplified approach. Journal of Digital Imaging 4:185-187.

  3. Fishman EK, Hennessey JG, Ney DR, Nixon MS (1992). Computer-based radiological teaching programs: The challenge and trauma of development and implementation. Sem Ultram CT, MR 13:113-121.

  4. Rabushka LS, Fishman EK, Goldman DM, Hennessey JG, Nixon MS (1993). Development of a computer-assisted instructional tool for evaluation and treatment of renal masses: An experiment in hypermedia. Investigative Radiology 28:169-174.

  5. Urban BA, Fishman EK, Kuhlman JE, Kawashima A, Hennessey JG, Siegelman SS (1993). Detection of focal hepatic lesions with spiral CT: Comparison of 4- and 8-mm interscan spacing. American Journal of Radiology 160:783-785.

  6. Hennessey JG, Fishman EK, Ney DR (1994). Digital video applications in radiologic eduation: Theory, technique and applications. Journal of Digital Imaging 7:85-90.

  7. Reiss AL, Hennessey JG, Rubin M, Beach LS, Abrams MT, Warsofsky IS, Liu AM, Links JM (1998). Reliability and Validity of an Algorithm for Fuzzy Tissue Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images. J Comp Assist Tomog, 22(3):471-479.

  8. Links JM, Beach LS 2nd, Subramaniam B, Rubin MA, Hennessey JG, Reiss AL (1998). Edge complexity and partial volume effects. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 1998 May-Jun;22(3):450-8.

  9. Loyo-Berrios NI, Irizarry R, Hennessey JG, Tao G, Matanoski G, (2007). Air Pollution Sources and Asthma in the Catano Municipality of Puerto Rico; Am J Epidemiology. 2007 Apr 15; 165(8):927-35. Epub 2007 Feb 17.

  10. Wolosin SM, Richardson ME, Hennessey JG, Denckla MB, Mostofsky SH, (2009) Abnormal cerebral cortex structure in children with ADHD; Hum Brain Mapp. 2009 Jan;30(1):175-84. Epub 2007 Nov 5.

Research Support:

5 P30 HD024061-18/19 Cataldo (PI) 08/01/88 - 06/30/09 NIH/NICHD Mental Retardation Developmental Disabilities Research Center (Core E) The purpose of the MRDDRC is for six core units to join together programmatically the resources relevant to mental retardation with the Kennedy Krieger Institute and the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. Role: Senior Programmer

1 R24 RR021382-01 Miller (PI) 09/30/04-05/31/09 NIH Morphometry BIRN To develop computational anatomy tools for construction and analysis of cortical surfaces, gyral and sulcal folds of the various brain substructures. The new tools will be automated and made available to collaborators and others in the scientific community. Role: Research Scientist

1R24 HL08534301A1 Winslow (PI) 03/01/07--12/31/12 NIH CardioVascular Research Grid (CVRG) The CVRG will provide the national cardiovascular research community a collaborative environment for discovering, representing, federating, sharing and analyzing multi-scale cardiovascular data, thus enabling interdisciplinary research directed at identifying features in these date that are predictive of disease risk, treatment and outcome. Role: Co-investigator