library(RMySQL) require(data.table) require(raster) require(meda) ## Set up the connection to the database. ## REMEMBER to disconnect when finished. #con1 <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user="root", dbname="ArchMath", # password="2113StPaul");dbSendQuery(con1, "SET NAMES 'UTF8';") con0 <- file("mysqlPassword.txt", "r") pswd <- readLines(con0, n = 1) con1 <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user="root", dbname="synapses", password=pswd);dbSendQuery(con1, "SET NAMES 'UTF8';") chan <- c('synapsinR_7thA','synapsinGP_5thA','VGluT1_3rdA','VGluT1_8thA', 'VGluT2_2ndA', 'psd_8thA', 'GluR2_2ndA', 'NMDAR1_6thA', 'NR2B_9thA','NOS_9thA', 'Synpod_3rdA', 'GAD_6thA','VGAT_5thA', 'PV_1stA','gephyrin_1stA', 'GABARa1_4thA', 'GABABR1_3rdA', 'VGluT3_1stA', 'CR1_2ndA','5HT1A_6th', 'TH_5thA','VAChT_4thA', 'tubulin_8thA', 'dapi_1stA') Syncol3 <- c("#197300","#cc0000","#0000cd") ccol <- Syncol3[c(rep(1,11), rep(2,6), rep(3,7))] q1 <- c("SELECT * FROM kristina15") dat0 <- data.table(dbGetQuery(con1, q1)) dbDisconnect(con1) dat0 <- dat0[, c("x", "y", "z", chan), with = FALSE] setkey(dat0, x,y,z) xyz <- dat0[, .(x,y,z)] dat <- dat0[, !(x:z)] if(!file.exists("sample_locations_1e4.csv")){ print("Selecting sample locations") set.seed(317) s1 <- sample(nrow(dat), 1e4) write.csv(xyz[s1], file = "sample_locations_1e4.csv", row.names = FALSE) set.seed(1030) s2 <- sample(nrow(dat), 1e3) write.csv(xyz[s2], file = "sample_locations_1e3.csv", row.names = FALSE) } else { samp10k <- read.csv("sample_locations_1e4.csv", header=TRUE) samp1k <- read.csv("sample_locations_1e3.csv", header=TRUE) } d1ko <- dat0[samp1k, !(x:z)] d10ko <- dat0[samp10k, !(x:z)] d1k <- d1ko[, lapply(.SD, scale, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)] d10k <- d10ko[, lapply(.SD, scale, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)] outdir <- "samp1k/" out1k <- list() i <- 1 print("Running mlocation") out1k[[i]] <- mlocationDat <- mlocation(d1ko, ccol = ccol) saveRDS(mlocationDat, file = paste0(outdir, "mlocation1k.rds")) print("Running d1heat") out1k[[i+1]] <- d1heatDat <- d1heat(d1k, ccol = ccol) saveRDS(d1heatDat, file = paste0(outdir, "d1heat1k.rds")) print("Running cumvar") out1k[[i+2]] <- cumvarDat <- cumvar(d1k) saveRDS(cumvarDat, file = paste0(outdir, "cumvar1k.rds")) print("Running outliers") out1k[[i+3]] <- outliersDat <- outliers(d1k) saveRDS(outliersDat, file = paste0(outdir, "outliers1k.rds")) print("Running pairHex") out1k[[i+4]] <- pairHexDat <- invisible(pairhex(d1k, maxd = 6)) saveRDS(pairHexDat, file = paste0(outdir, "pairhexDat1k.rds")) print("Running correlation") out1k[[i+5]] <- corDat <- medacor(d1k, ccol = ccol) saveRDS(corDat, file = paste0(outdir, "medacor1k.rds")) print("Running hmc") out1k[[i+6]] <- hmcDat <- hmc(scale(d1k, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE), maxDepth = 6, modelNames = "VVV", ccol = ccol) saveRDS(hmcDat, file = paste0(outdir, "hmc1k.rds")) system("say done") outdir <- "samp10k/" out10k <- list() i <- 1 print("Running mlocation") out10k[[i+0]] <- mlocationDat <- mlocation(d10ko, ccol = ccol) saveRDS(mlocationDat, file = paste0(outdir, "mlocation10k.rds")) print("Running d1heat") out10k[[i+1]] <- d1heatDat <- d1heat(d10k, ccol = ccol) saveRDS(d1heatDat, file = paste0(outdir, "d1heat10k.rds")) print("Running cumvar") out10k[[i+2]] <- cumvarDat <- cumvar(d10k) saveRDS(cumvarDat, file = paste0(outdir, "cumvar10k.rds")) print("Running outliers") out10k[[i+3]] <- outliersDat <- outliers(d10k) saveRDS(outliersDat, file = paste0(outdir, "outliers10k.rds")) print("Running pairHex") out10k[[i+4]] <- pairHexDat <- invisible(pairhex(d10k, maxd = 6)) saveRDS(pairHexDat, file = paste0(outdir, "pairhexDat10k.rds")) print("Running correlation") out10k[[i+5]] <- corDat <- medacor(d10k, ccol = ccol) saveRDS(corDat, file = paste0(outdir, "medacor10k.rds")) print("Running hmc") out10k[[i+6]] <- hmcDat <- hmc(scale(d10k, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE), maxDepth = 6, modelNames = "VVV", ccol = ccol) saveRDS(hmcDat, file = paste0(outdir, "hmc10k.rds")) system("say done") #### indir <- "samp1k/" outdir <- "samp1k/" files <- grep(".rds$", dir(indir, full.names = TRUE), value = TRUE) #heatFile <- grep("heatmap.RData", dir(indir, full.names = TRUE), value = TRUE) L <- list() for(f in 1:length(files)){ L[[f]] <- readRDS(files[f]) } for(i in 1:length(L)){ png(paste0(outdir, i, ".png"), height = 720, width = 720) print(plot(L[[i]])) } if(any(grepl("*hmc*", files))){ ind <- which(grepl("*hmc*", files)) hmcDat <- L[grepl("*hmc*", files)][[1]] png(paste0(outdir, "dend.png"), height = 720, width = 720) plotDend(hmcDat) h <- 8 +ifelse(dim(hmcDat$dat$sigma$dat)[3] %% 2==0, dim(hmcDat$dat$sigma$dat)[3]- 2,dim(hmcDat$dat$sigma$dat)[3]) png(paste0(outdir, "corr.png"), height = h, width = 8, units = "in", res = 72) plot(hmcDat$dat$sigma, ccol = L[[ind]]$ccol) png(paste0(outdir, "clusterMeans.png"), height = 8, width = 18, units = "in", res = 300) show(clusterMeans(hmcDat, ccol = L[[ind]]$ccol)) png(paste0(outdir, "stackM.png"), height = 8, width = 8, units = "in", res = 300) show(stackM(hmcDat, centered = TRUE, ccol = L[[ind]]$ccol)) } ### indir <- "samp10k/" outdir <- "samp10k/" files <- grep(".rds$", dir(indir, full.names = TRUE), value = TRUE) #heatFile <- grep("heatmap.RData", dir(indir, full.names = TRUE), value = TRUE) L <- list() for(f in 1:length(files)){ L[[f]] <- readRDS(files[f]) } for(i in 1:length(L)){ png(paste0(outdir, i, ".png"), height = 720, width = 720) print(plot(L[[i]])) } if(any(grepl("*hmc*", files))){ ind <- which(grepl("*hmc*", files)) hmcDat <- L[grepl("*hmc*", files)][[1]] png(paste0(outdir, "dend.png"), height = 720, width = 720) plotDend(hmcDat) h <- 8 +ifelse(dim(hmcDat$dat$sigma$dat)[3] %% 2==0, dim(hmcDat$dat$sigma$dat)[3]- 2,dim(hmcDat$dat$sigma$dat)[3]) png(paste0(outdir, "corr.png"), height = h, width = 8, units = "in", res = 72) plot(hmcDat$dat$sigma, ccol = L[[ind]]$ccol) png(paste0(outdir, "clusterMeans.png"), height = 8, width = 18, units = "in", res = 300) show(clusterMeans(hmcDat, ccol = L[[ind]]$ccol)) png(paste0(outdir, "stackM.png"), height = 8, width = 8, units = "in", res = 300) show(stackM(hmcDat, centered = TRUE, ccol = L[[ind]]$ccol)) }