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USAGE: VectorKernelPCA <pcaCount> <kernelSigma> <vtk_mesh_file> <outputName> <vectorFieldSetFile>
Calculate principal components on a sets of vector or scalar valued data,
optionally positioned on at mesh vertices.
- pcaCount - number of principal components to compute(def = 0)
- kernelSigma - size of the kernal used for calculating PCs on the mesh
- vtk_mesh_file - file name of mesh file in .vtk format.
- outputName - base file name of the component output files.
- vectorFieldSetFile - the file names of the input data sets. Any number
of files is acceptable but must be greater than pcaCount. All must have equal
number of measurements.
Input Files:
vtk PolyData mesh files are accepted as input.
Output files are created that contain the principal components defined at each
vertex on the mesh.
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