René Vidal and team receive MoDL award from the National Science Foundation-Simons Foundation

August 25, 2020

René Vidal, the director of the Mathematical Institute for Data Science (MINDS) and the Herschel L. Seder Professor in Johns Hopkins University’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, is leading a team of engineers, mathematicians, and theoretical computer scientists from multiple institutions who seek to revolutionize our understanding of the mathematical and scientific foundations of deep learning.

Their project, Collaborative Research: Transferable, Hierarchical, Expressive, Optimal, Robust, and Interpretable NETworks (THEORINET), is funded by the National Science Foundation-Simons Foundation’s Research Collaborations on the Mathematical and Scientific Foundations of Deep Learning (MoDL) program and will receive ten million dollars over five years. The Johns Hopkins-led consortium is one of only two teams that were awarded funding for this national effort.

THEORINET researchers will develop a mathematical, statistical, and computational framework that will explain the success of current deep network architectures, understand their pitfalls, and guide the design of novel architectures with guaranteed, robustness, interpretability, optimality, and transferability.

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