#! /bin/csh -f # Runs fontforge to create all the MathJax font files # (in all the formats required) # # Usage: ./makeOTF echo "MathJax_Size4.ff" fontforge -lang=ff -script ff/MathJax_Size4.ff foreach file (ff/*.ff) echo "" echo $file:t fontforge -lang=ff -script $file end rm otf/*Greek* echo "" echo "ttf2eot" foreach file (ttf/*.ttf) echo $file:t:r ttf2eot < $file > eot/$file:t:r.eot end echo "" echo "Convert to svg" foreach file (ttf/*.ttf) echo $file:t:r java -jar lib/batik-1.7/batik-ttf2svg.jar $file -id $file:t:r -o svg/$file:t:r.svg -l 0 -h 65535 end rm ttf/*WinChrom* ttf/*WinIE6* rm eot/*WinChrome* eot/*Greek* rm svg/*WinIE6* svg/*Greek*