Seeded Graph Matching


Given two graphs, the graph matching problem is to align the two vertex sets so as to minimize the number of adjacency disagreements between the two graphs. The seeded graph matching problem is the graph matching problem when we are first given a partial alignment that we are tasked with completing. In this article, we modify the state-of-the-art approximate graph matching algorithm "FAQ" of Vogelstein et al. (2015) to make it a fast approximate seeded graph matching algorithm, adapt its applicability to include graphs with differently sized vertex sets, and extend the algorithm so as to provide, for each individual vertex, a nomination list of likely matches. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm via simulation and real data experiments; indeed, knowledge of even a few seeds can be extremely effective when our seeded graph matching algorithm is used to recover a naturally existing alignment that is only partially observed.


  • Donniell E. Fishkind, Sancar Adali, Heather G. Patsolic, Lingyao Meng, Digvijay Singh, Vince Lyzinski, C.E. Priebe, "Seeded Graph Matching," Pattern Recognition, vol 87, pp 203-215, 2019.

    Source Codes:

    Matlab codes for Figs 6, 8, 10.
    R codes for Figs 1~5, 7, 9, 11.


    name # obs feature idm label graph, etc.
    Enron 184 nodes,
    187 weeks
    . . . enron.mat
    See here
    C.elegans 279 nodes
    170 nodes
    . . included in the Rd files ("vcols"):
    1: mortor neurons,
    2: interneurons,
    3: seonsory neurons
    herm_Graph.Rd (R format)
    See here
    Wiki 1382 English Algebraic Geometry WCH
    French Algebraic Geometry WCH
    See here for more detail
    GE, GF
    TE, TF
    See here for more detail
    Ming's Data
    6 classes:
    1. people,
    2. places,
    3. dates,
    4. things,
    5. math things,
    6. categories
    See here

    See here

    See here

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