
Some extra ranges that were not included in std.range.

David Simcha

template isIterable (T)
Tests whether T can be iterated over using foreach. This is a superset of isInputRange, as it also accepts things that use opApply, builtin arrays, builtin associative arrays, etc. Useful when all you need is lowest common denominator iteration functionality and you don't care about more advanced range features.

template IterType (T)
Determine the iterable type of any iterable object, regardless of whether it uses ranges, opApply, etc. This is typeof(elem) if one does foreach(elem; T.init) {}.

struct Reindex (alias lambda,T) if (isRandomAccessRange!(T));

Reindex!(lambda,T) reindex (alias lambda, T)(T range);
Reindex a random-access range by translating its indices via the function lambda. All properties and methods of the underlying range that do not involve indexing are forwarded to the underlying range using alias this.

 // An array indexed by only even numbers.
 auto evenArray = reindex!"a / 2"([0,2,4,6,8,10].dup);
 for(uint i = 0; i <= 10; i += 2) {
     assert(evenArray[i] == i);

 // A one-indexed array.
 auto oneArray = reindex!"a - 1"([1,2,3,4,5].dup);
 for(uint i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
     assert(oneArray[i] == i);

struct Rotated (T) if (isRandomAccessRange!(T) && hasLength!(T));

Rotated!(T) rotated (T)(T range, size_t startPos = 0);
Gives a rotated view of a random access range without modifying the underlying range. Also funtions as an output range. Given an underlying range of length L, a Rotated range remembers the last L elements inserted via its put() interface, in the order that they were inserted. Insertions are O(1), but to the user of the API, the effect is similar to shifting an array on each insertion.

 uint[] arr = [5,6,7,8,9];
 auto rot = rotated(arr, 2);
 assert(rot[0] == 7);
 assert(rot[3] == 5);
 assert(rot.length == 5);

 foreach(i; 0..5) {
     assert(rot[i] == i);

struct StaticArray (E,size_t N);
A struct wrapper for a static array, to get around the fact that static arrays can't be returned from functions. Alias this is used to forward all operations to the underlying static array.

E[N] values ;

struct Comb (size_t N,T) if (isForwardRange!(T));

Comb!(N,T) comb (uint N, T)(T range);
A struct to iterate over all possible unordered combinations of elements of size N, in a forward range. This struct is itself a forward range. Each call to front() returns a StaticArray of size N, containing the relevant elements of the range.

 auto foo = map!(to!(uint, string))(cast(string[]) ["1", "2", "3"]);
 auto c = comb!2(foo);
 assert(c.front == [1,2]);
 assert(c.front == [1,3]);
 assert(c.front == [2,3]);

struct Broadcast (T...) if (allSatisfy!(isForwardRange,T));

Broadcast!(T) broadcast (T...)(T ranges);
Given a set of forward ranges, iterate over all possible tuples composed of [range1Element, range2Element, ..., rangeNElement]. Calling front() returns a StaticArray if the element types of all of the ranges are identical and a std.typecons.Tuple otherwise.

 // Iterate over all possible RNA codons.
 immutable bases = "ACGU";
 auto codonRange = broadcast(bases, bases, bases);
 assert(codonRange.front == "AAA");
 assert(codonRange.front == "AAC");

struct TNew (T);
An array with a capacity field. It's based on D's builtin arrays and forwards everything except appending and resizing to the underlying builtin array using alias this. Therefore, the compile time interface and semantics of a TNew are the same as those of a builtin array, modulo a few bugs in alias this.

 TNew!uint ab, ab2;
 foreach(i; 0..5) {
     ab ~= i;
     ab2 ~= [i];
 assert(ab == cast(uint[]) [0,1,2,3,4]);
 assert(ab2 == cast(uint[]) [0,1,2,3,4]);

T[] arr ;
Access underlying array directly. Useful for getting around some alias this bugs.

this(T[] newData);

template opCatAssign (U) if (Appendable!(T,U) && (Appendable!(T,U[]) || !isArray!(U)))
Append a single element.

typeof(this) opCatAssign (U elem);
Append a single element.

template opCatAssign (U) if (Appendable!(T,U) && !(Appendable!(T,U[]) || !isArray!(U)))
Append an array.

typeof(this) opCatAssign (U elems);
Append an array.

typeof(this) opAssign (T[] newData);

size_t length (size_t newLen);

void reserve (size_t nElem);
Make the capacity big enough to hold at least nElem elements without further GC activity.

TNew!(T) tNew (T)(T[] data);
Array builder literals.

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