
dflplot is a plotting library based on DFL, and is geared towards generating simple plots in scientific and statistical computing use cases. Right now it's a work in progress, but is good enough to be useful for simple exploratory plotting in scientific computing contexts, especially with other scientific computing libraries like dstats and SciD.

Known Issues:

1. Rotated text for Y-Axis labels isn't available in DFL. Therefore, Y-Axis labels are rendered in ugly columnar text.

2. There is currently no "proper" way to save a plot. This is because DFL's Bitmap object doesn't provide a way to obtain the underlying pixels yet, and core.stdc.windows doesn't seem to provide the necessary stuff to do it manually via the Windows API. In the meantime, a workaround (at least for manual, as opposed to programmatic, saving) is to take a screenshot using the print screen key and save this.

3. No options (such as axis limits, title, labels, etc.) are exposed yet via the plot window GUI. This situation will be improved gradually, especially as DFL improves.

4. Only works on Windows. Eventually, I'll abstract away a bunch of the GUI logic and port this to gtkD when it matures, or (hopefully) DFL will be ported to Linux.

Copyright (C) 2010 David Simcha

Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to do so, all subject to the following:

The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer, must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by a source language processor.


Color getColor (ubyte red, ubyte green, ubyte blue);
Get a color w/o having to import or directly interact with the GUI framework. Adding this is in preparation for porting to another GUI framework.

struct FigureLine ;
For drawing extra lines on a Figure, with coordinates specified in plot units and relative to the plot area, not in pixels.

class Figure : dfl.control.Control;
A container form for one or more Plot objects.

 auto nums = [1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5,6,7];
 auto hist = Histogram(nums, 10);
 auto fig = new Figure;
 fig.title = "A plot";
 fig.xLabel = "X label";
 fig.yLabel = "Y label";

static Figure opCall ();

static Figure opCall (Plot[] plots...);
Convenience factory that adds all plots provided to the Figure.

string title ;

string xLabel ;

string yLabel ;

Font titleFont ;
Veranda 14

Font xLabelFont ;
Veranda 14

Font yLabelFont ;
Veranda 14

Font axesFont ;
Veranda 10

Figure xLim (double newLower, double newUpper);
Manually set the X axis limits.

Figure yLim (double newLower, double newUpper);
Manually set the Y axis limits.

Figure xTickLabels (R)(R locations, const string[] text = null);
Set the X axis labels. If text is null (default) the axis text is just the text of the axis locations. R should be any range with length identical to text (unless text is null) and elements implicitly convertible to double.

Figure yTickLabels (R)(R locations, const string[] text = null);
Set the Y axis labels. If text is null (default) the axis text is just the text of the axis locations. R should be any range with length identical to text (unless text is null) and elements implicitly convertible to double.

bool horizontalGrid ;
Determines whether horizontal gridlines are drawn. Default is false.

bool verticalGrid ;
Determines whether vertical gridlines are drawn. Default is false.

@property double leftMost ();
The leftmost point on the figure.

@property double rightMost ();
The rightmost point on the figure.

@property double topMost ();
The topmost point on the figure.

@property double bottomMost ();
The bottommost point on the figure.

Figure addLines (FigureLine[] lines...);
Add individual lines to the figure. Coordinates are specified relative to the plot area, not in pixels. The lines are is clipped to the visible part of the plot area. This is useful for adding annotation lines, as opposed to plot lines.

Figure addPlot (Plot[] plots...);
Add one or more plots to the figure.

void drawPlot ();
Draw the plot but don't display it on screen.

void showAsMain ();
Draw and display the figure as a main form. This is useful in otherwise console-based apps that want to display a few plots. However, you can't have another main form up at the same time.

class Subplot : dfl.form.Form;
Allows for one or more subplots to be created in a single window. Each subplot is represented by a Figure. Double-clicking on any subplot zooms in on it. Double-clicking again zooms out.

When this class is passed a Figure, it assumes complete ownership of that Figure and will feel free to mess around with its internal state.

 auto hist = Histogram(someNumbers, 10);
 auto histFig = new Figure(hist);
 auto scatter = ScatterPlot(someNumbers, someMoreNumbers);
 auto scatterFig = new Figure(scatter);
 auto sub = new SubPlot(1, 2);  // 1 row, 2 columns.
 sub.addPlot(histFig, 0, 0);  // Add the histogram in the 0th row, 0th column.
 sub.addPlot(scatterFig, 0, 1);  // Ditto.

string title ;
Main title of the plot. The subplots may also have titles.

string xLabel ;
Main x label of the plot. The subplots may also have x labels.

string yLabel ;
Main y label of the plot. The subplots may also have y labels.

static Subplot opCall (uint nRows, uint nColumns);
Create an instance with nRows rows and nColumns columns.

Subplot addFigure (ref Figure fig, uint row, uint col);
Add a figure to the subplot in the given row and column. fig is passed in by reference, and the handle passed in is set to null. This is to emphasize the fact that the Subplot class assumes ownership of the figure class and is free to modify the Figure's internal state.

This function returns this to allow for a fluent interface.

final void addFigure (Figure fig, uint row, uint col);
Convenience function in case fig isn't an lvalue.

void drawFigure ();
Draw the figure, but don't display it.

void showAsMain ();
Draw and display the figure as a main form. This is useful in otherwise console-based apps that want to display a few plots. However, you can't have another main form up at the same time.

abstract class Plot ;
Abstract base class for all types of plot objects.

@property Figure toFigure ();
Convenience method that instantiates a Figure object with this plot. Useful for creating single-plot figures w/o a lot of boilerplate.

 auto hist = Histogram([1,2,3,4,5], 3).toFigure;

@property Figure toLabeledFigure ();
Instantiates a Figure object with this plot and also places the default axes and tick labeling and title for the plot type, if any, on the Figure. If a plot type has no default labeling, simply forwards to toFigure().

@property double leftMost ();
The leftmost point on the plot.

@property double rightMost ();
The rightmost point on the plot.

@property double topMost ();
The topmost point on the plot.

@property double bottomMost ();
The bottommost point on the plot.

class BarPlot : dflplot.Plot;
A basic bar plot.

Color barColor ;
Controls the color of the bar. Defaults to blue.

immutable double width ;

BarPlot opCall (R1, R2)(R1 centers, R2 heights, double width);
Create a BarPlot. centers and heights must be input ranges with elements implicitly convertible to double. width determines the width of each bar relative to the X-axis scale and must be greater than 0.

BarPlot opCall (R1, R2, R3, R4)(R1 centers, R2 heights, double width, R3 lowerErrors, R4 upperErrors);
Create a BarPlot with error bars. lowerErrors and upperErrors must be input ranges with elements implicitly convertible to double for error bars to be shown. Any other value, such as null or 0, will result in no error bars being shown. Therefore, to only show, for example, upper erros, simply pass in null or 0 for the lower errors.

To draw symmetric error bars, simply pass in the same range for lowerErrors and upperErrors. However, note that if you do this, the range will need to be a forward range, not an input range.

void scaleCenters (double scaleFactor);
Scale this object by a factor of scaleFactor in the X direction. This is useful for getting it onto the same scale as another plot.

void scaleHeights (double scaleFactor);
Scale this object by a factor of scaleFactor in the Y direction. This is useful for getting it onto the same scale as another plot.

void shiftCenters (double shiftBy);
Shift this graph by shiftBy units in the X direction. This is useful for getting it onto the same scale as another plot.

final @property const(double)[] centers ();
Get the centers of the bars.

final @property const(double)[] heights ();
Get the heights of the bars.

final @property const(double)[] lowerErrors ();

final @property const(double)[] upperErrors ();

@property Figure toLabeledFigure ();
The default labeling includes each center receiving its own x tick label if there are <= 10 bars on the graph.

enum OutOfBounds ;
Determine behavior for elements outside of a fixed-border histogram's bounds.

Throw throws an exception.

Ignore simply skips the number.

enum HistType ;
Controls whether a histogram plots counts or probability.

The Y-axis should be counts.

The Y-axis should be probabilities.

class Histogram : dflplot.Plot;
A class for plotting regular (equal-width) histograms.

Color barColor ;
Color for the bars. Default is blue.

final const pure nothrow @property uint nBin ();
The number of bins this histogram contains.

Histogram opCall (R)(R nums, uint nBin);
Factory method to instantiate this class. nums must be a forward range with elements implicitly convertible to double. nBin specifies how many bins the histogram should contain.

Histogram opCall (R)(R nums, uint nBin, double leftLim, double rightLim, OutOfBounds outOfBoundsBehavior = OutOfBounds.Throw);
Factory method to instantiate this class with predetermined limits. This allows nums to be an input range instead of a forward range, since no pass is necessary to compute the limits.

This function both obeys and permanently sets whatever bounds behavior is specified (throwing or ignoring on out of bounds numbers). The default behavior is to throw. Rationale: Errors should only pass silently if explicitly silenced.

Histogram opCall (I)(I nBin, double leftLim, double rightLim, OutOfBounds outOfBoundsBehavior = OutOfBounds.Throw);
Create an empty histogram with pre-specified bounds, which will be filled with data using the put method.

The only reason this is a template is because of bugs in overloading non-templated functions agsinst templated functions.

Histogram put (double num);
Add a number to the histogram on the fly.

Histogram put (const Histogram rhs);
Add the contents of another Histogram to this one. The boundaries and numbers of bins must be the same. This histogram's settings are retained.

void scaleDistributionFunction (LineGraph g);
Assumes the LineGraph input is a plot of a PDF that this histogram is supposed to approximate, and scales the Y axis of the LineGraph accordingly so that both appear on the same scale.

If this Histogram is cumulative, assumes that the input LineGraph is a CDF instead.

@property void boundsBehavior (OutOfBounds behavior);
Determine whether this object throws or ignores if it receives a number outside its bounds via put.

@property void histType (HistType newType);
Set whether this histogram displays counts or probabilities.

@property void cumulative (bool newVal);
Determines whether this histogram is cumulative .

class FrequencyHistogram : dflplot.Plot;
Creates a histogram with equal frequency binning instead of equal width binning. The scale of a FrequencyHistogram is the probability density scale.

Note that equal frequency binning doesn't work with discrete distributions where probability density may be infinite at a point. Therefore, if a probability density is calculated to be infinite, this class will throw.

Color barColor ;
The color of the bars.

FrequencyHistogram opCall (R)(R nums, uint nBin);
Create a FrequencyHistogram. R must be an input range with elements implicitly convertible to double. nBin must be > 0 and <= nums.length.

Exception if the density for any bin is infinite.

class UniqueHistogram : dflplot.BarPlot;
Creates a histogram in which every unique value gets its own bin. Useful for histograms where the distribution is known to be discrete over a small set of values.

Since this class inherits from BarPlot, BarPlot.centers will provide a list of the unique values found. This can be used to label the X axis.

immutable uint nElem ;
The total count of this histogram.

UniqueHistogram opCall (R)(R nums, double widthFactor = 0.8);
Create a UniqueHistogram. R must be an input range with elements implicitly convertible to double. The width of each bin will be widthFactor times the minimum distance between unique values. widthFactor must be > 0 and <= 1.

@property void histType (HistType newType);
Set whether this histogram displays counts or probabilities.

class HeatMap : dflplot.Plot;
Class for drawing a heat map.

Color coldColor ;
The color to use for small values.

Color hotColor ;
The color to use for large values.

HeatMap opCall (R)(R data);
Create a heat map from a matrix represented as a range of ranges. The matrix must be rectangular. The elements of the ranges must be implicitly convertible to double.

final @property uint nRows ();

final @property uint nCols ();

class HeatScatter : dflplot.HeatMap;
Creates a heat map representing the density of a 2-d probability distribution. This is useful when you want to visualize a joint probability distribution but the sample size is so large that a scatter plot would have an overwhelming number of points.

HeatScatter opCall (R1, R2)(R1 x, R2 y, uint nRows = 10, uint nCols = 10);
Create a HeatScatter. x, y must be forward ranges with elements implicitly convertible to double, and must have the same lengths.

HeatScatter opCall (R1, R2)(R1 x, R2 y, uint nRows, uint nCols, double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax, OutOfBounds boundsBehavior = OutOfBounds.Throw);
Create a HeatScatter with pre-specified bounds. x, y must be forward ranges with elements implicitly convertible to double, and must have the same lengths.

HeatScatter opCall (I)(I nRows, uint nCols, double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax, OutOfBounds boundsBehavior = OutOfBounds.Throw);
Create a blank HeatScatter to fill in using the put() method.

This is a template only because templates can't be overloaded against regular functions.

HeatScatter put (double x, double y);
Add an element to the plot.

HeatScatter put (const HeatScatter rhs);
Add another HeatScatter's data to this. The boundaries and row and column counts must be the same. The settings from this HeatScatter are preserved.

@property void boundsBehavior (OutOfBounds behavior);
Determine whether this object throws or ignores if it receives a number outside its bounds via put.

class ScatterPlot : dflplot.Plot;
Class for drawing a scatter plot.

Color pointColor ;
The color of a point on the scatter plot. The default is black.

char pointSymbol ;
The symbol that should be used on the plot. x and o work pretty well. The default is x.

ScatterPlot opCall (R1, R2)(R1 x, R2 y);
Factory method for creating a ScatterPlot. x and y must both be input ranges of the same length, with elements implicitly convertible to doubles. Note that they are copied inside the factory, so changes to the original ranges after calling this factory will not affect the plot.

ScatterPlot opCall (R)(R y);
Convenience factory that produces a ScatterPlot with a default X axis numbered 1, 2, ..., N where N is the number of points. Mostly useful for quick and dirty plots.

class LineGraph : dflplot.Plot;
Class for drawing a line graph, i.e. a set of points connected by lines.

Color lineColor ;
The color of the line. The default is black.

uint lineWidth ;
The width of the line. The default is 1.

final @property void errorWidth (double newWidth);
Error bar width, relative to the total width of the plot. Must be between 0 and 1. If it's out of bounds, it will be set to the default of 0.05. If no error bars are to be drawn, this option is ignored.

LineGraph opCall (R1, R2)(R1 x, R2 y);
Factory method for creating a LineGraph. x and y must both be input ranges of the same length, with elements implicitly convertible to doubles. Note that they are copied inside the factory, so changes to the original ranges after calling this factory will not affect the plot.

LineGraph opCall (R)(R y);
Convenience factory method that produces a LineGraph with a default X axis numbered 1, 2, ..., N, where N is the number of data points, and no error bars. This is mostly useful for quick and dirty plots.

LineGraph opCall (R1, R2, R3, R4)(R1 x, R2 y, R3 lowerErrors, R4 upperErrors);
Create a LineGraph with error bars. lowerErrors and upperErrors must be input ranges with elements implicitly convertible to double for error bars to be shown. Any other value, such as null or 0, will result in no error bars being shown. Therefore, to only show, for example, upper erros, simply pass in null or 0 for the lower errors.

To draw symmetric error bars, simply pass in the same range for lowerErrors and upperErrors. However, note that if you do this, the range will need to be a forward range, not an input range.

void scaleX (double scaleFactor);
Scale this object by a factor of scaleFactor in the X direction. This is useful for getting it onto the same scale as another plot.

void scaleY (double scaleFactor);
Scale this object by a factor of scaleFactor in the Y direction. This is useful for getting it onto the same scale as another plot.

void shiftX (double shiftBy);
Shift this graph by shiftBy units in the X direction. This is useful for getting it onto the same scale as another plot.

void shiftY (double shiftBy);
Shift this graph by shiftBy units in the Y direction. This is useful for getting it onto the same scale as another plot.

class ContinuousFunction : dflplot.LineGraph;
Plot a callable object on a range of values.

ContinuousFunction opCall (C)(C callable, double lowerLim, double upperLim, uint nEvals = 1000);
Create a ContinuousFunction. C is any callable type mapping a floating point number to a number. lowerLim is the lower limit of the plot. upperLim is the upper limit of the plot. nEvals is the number of evalutations to perform. The default is 1000. More evaluations means more accuracy but more computational intensity.

ContinuousFunction fromAlias (alias callable)(double lowerLim, double upperLim, uint nEvals = 1000);
Create a ContinuousFunction using a template alias parameter instead of a callable object.

This function is given an name instead of opCall because DMD thinks you're trying to instantiate a class if you do ContinuousFunction!fun(...).

class DiscreteFunction : dflplot.BarPlot;
Plot a callable object on a range of values.

DiscreteFunction opCall (C)(C callable, int lowerLim, int upperLim);
Create a DiscreteFunction. C is any callable type mapping an integer to a number. lowerLim is the lower limit of the plot. upperLim is the upper limit of the plot.

DiscreteFunction fromAlias (alias callable)(int lowerLim, int upperLim);
Create a DiscreteFunction using a template alias parameter instead of a callable object.

This function is given an name instead of opCall because DMD thinks you're trying to instantiate a class if you do ContinuousFunction!fun(...).

class RocCurve : dflplot.LineGraph;
Plots a ROC curve, or a curve with sensitivity on the Y-axis and 1 - specificity on the X-axis. This is a useful metric for determining how well a test statistic discriminates between two classes. The following assumptions are made in this implementation:

1. For some cutoff value c and test statistic T, your decision rule is of the form "Class A if T larger than c, Class B if T smaller than c".

2. In the case of ties, i.e. if class A and class B both have an identical value, linear interpolation is used. This is because changing the value of c infinitesimally will change both sensitivity and specificity in these cases.

RocCurve opCall (R1, R2)(R1 classATs, R2 classBTs);
Create a RocCurve. classATs are the test statistics that are "supposed" to be bigger, classBTs are the test statistics that are "supposed to be smaller. Both R1 and R2 must be input ranges with elements implicitly convertible to double.

final const pure nothrow @property double auroc ();
Returns the area under the ROC curve.

@property Figure toLabeledFigure ();
Default title is the area under the curve. Default x label is "1 - Specificity". Default y label is "Sensitivity".

class QQPlot : dflplot.ScatterPlot;
Plots the quantiles of a set of data on the Y axis against the theoretical qualtiles or the quantiles of another set of data on the X axis.

Color lineColor ;
The color of the line that indicates identical distributions. The default is red.

uint lineWidth ;
The width of the line that indicates identical distributions. The default is 2.

QQPlot opCall (R, C)(R dataRange, C quantileFunction);
Create a QQPlot. dataRange must be an input range with elements implicitly convertible to doubles. quantileFunction must be a callable (function pointer, delegate, functor, etc.) mapping any number between 0 and 1 to its quantile.

 auto norms = randArray!rNorm(100, 0, 1);
 auto theoretical = paramFunctor!invNormalCDF(0, 1);
 auto fig = new Figure(
     QQPlot(norms, theoretical)

@property Figure toLabeledFigure ();
Default x label is "Theoretical Quantiles". Default y label is "Empirical Quantiles".

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